出版社:文芸社 著者:大野靖志 定価:1,680円
How Kotodama Manifests Reality
• Contents
• Contents
• Chapter 1 - Defining Kotodama
History of Kotodama Linguistics
A E I O U (phonetically: ‘ah’, ‘ei’, ‘ee’, ‘oh’, ‘oo’)
Applying Kotodama Linguistic Theory to the Kojiki (古事記 "An Account of Ancient Matters" - Japanese Mythology)
Correlating the 50 sounds to the Mythology of the Kojiki
List of the Sounds of the 50 Syllabary and the Correlated Kojiki God
Applying the Concept of Kotodama Energy in the Syntax of Language
Unifying the Five Strata into a Comprehensive Theory to Approach Everything
• Chapter 2 - Relating Kotodama and Shinto
Historical Lineage of Hakke Shinto
Far Reaching Influence of Hakke Shinto into Modern Times
How Dr. Kenji Nanasawa was Introduced to Hakke Shinto
The Historical Rites of Hafuri in the Training of the Crown Prince to be the Emperor
Grasp God, Eat God
“Religious Services” were the “Politics” of Ancient Japan
Revealing the True Meanings of the Rites of Tokusa no Kandakara (The Ten Stages of God’s Treasures)
Harai Kotoba (Words of Clearing)
Understanding the Gods Amatsu and Kunitsu (Heaven and Earth)
Observances to Console the Five Spirits and the Five Souls – The sixth stage
Understanding ‘Musubi’ - The Spirit of Unification
Explaining the Clearing Powers of Each of the Stages of the Rites of the Nine Strata
The Practice of Individually Becoming the Creator
Going to the State of Enlightenment
• Chapter 3 - Uniting Frontier Science with Shinto / Kotodama Concepts
Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking and Kotodama
The Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle and Kotodama
Defining the Quantum Field with Kotodama